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Life Cycle Events and Resources

Being human means undergoing major life events ~ births, coming-of-age/b mitzvah, marriages, deaths, illnesses, adoption into Humanistic Jewish life and community, and other life passages. And almost every culture in history has developed ceremonies, rituals, and celebrations that help mark those life passages and make them meaningful.

Machar and its rabbi, Rabbi Jeremy Kridel, offer lifecycle ceremonies that help mark major life events in a way that makes sense for modern, rationally- and humanistically-minded Jews. Our ceremonies reflect our deeply-held convictions about the world, and our deeply-felt connection to Jewish tradition and to our shared humanity. Modern, secular language -- in Hebrew, English, and sometimes other languages! -- is used to reflect our values, and there is ample chance for others involved in the ceremonies to offer their own thoughts.

For more information, call 202-686-1881 or go to our contact form and send us a message to let us know how we can help you.


Shabbat candle-lighting ceremony
Each week, Machar hosts a virtual Kabbalat Shabbat service that all are welcome to join. Shabbat gives us a built-in chance to think about how we might get some rest. Join Rabbi Jeremy for a musical start to Shabbat, check in with the Machar community, and mark the start of the weekend. Please contact Rabbi Jeremy at or for links and access information if you wish to attend. If you can't join, please feel free to use the candle-lighting ceremony above to create a practice of your own.


Mourner's Kaddish
Looking for a Humanistic Mourner's Kaddish to mark a loss or the anniversary of a loved one?
We have both a modern Humanistic Kaddish and a more Traditional-Humanistic Kaddish to choose from.

Machar is a member of the Jewish Funeral Practices Committee of Greater Washington, Inc. As such, it allows reduced fees for funerals through Hines-Rinaldi Funeral Home for our member families.


Welcome to Machar

Kabbalat Shabbat
March 28, 2025

Join Passover Seder with Beth Chai and River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation

April 19, 2025
5:00 - 7:30 p.m.


Rabbi Jodi Kornfeld, of a humanistic Jewish community in Illinois, will speak by zoom about a new forthcoming book titled Contemporary Humanistic Judaism: Beliefs, Values, Practices
March 30, 2025

Serving Brunch at Shepherd's Table with Beth Chai
The fourth Saturday of the Month

Welcome to Machar


Calendar 2024 -2025 Jewish Cultural School (JCS)

Adult Ed and Community Sunday Calendar


Click Here for Calendar