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Timely Topics ~ The Israel Election

The Israel Election ~ After nearly a year, where is the Israeli election process now? What effect did the Coronavirus have on the process’s apparent outcome? What’s next? We’ll explore…

Kabbalat Shabbat /Welcoming Shabbat

Each week is a challenge, and seven days of social distancing can make it hard to know what day it is! Shabbat gives us a built-in chance to think about…

Havdalah / Ending Shabbat

Join Rabbi Jeremy as we end Shabbat and enter a new week. Please contact Rabbi Jeremy at or for meeting link and access information.

JCS online: Tots, Pre-K/K, and Grades 1 & 2

Access links and more information will be available soon. *Tots/PreK/K 1st and 2nd Grade* We will be sending home lessons and activities for you to do with your kids. We…

Music and More with Rabbi Jeremy

Join Rabbi Jeremy for songs and stories with a Secular Humanistic Jewish twist. Intended for families with children 10 years and younger — whether or not they’re Machar members! Please…

Texts on Tuesday

Job III: Tonight we will have part 3 of our series on the book of Job. Though helpful, attendance at the prior sessions is not necessary. If you're interested in…

Thursday Open House

Rabbi Jeremy will be online from 7:30 to 9:30 pm for a virtual open-house/swing-in session. Drop in for a few minutes or the whole time to discuss anything or nothing…

Kabbalat Shabbat /Welcoming Shabbat

Each week is a challenge, and seven days of social distancing can make it hard to know what day it is! Shabbat gives us a built-in chance to think about…

Havdalah / Ending Shabbat

Join Rabbi Jeremy as we end Shabbat and enter a new week. Please contact Rabbi Jeremy at or for meeting link and access information.

JCS online: Grades 3-7 & Adult Ed online

Access links and more information will be posted soon. *3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and B'Mitzvah* We are going to stagger Zoom sessions for these grades. Sessions will run for 30…

Welcome to Machar

Kabbalat Shabbat
March 28, 2025

Join Passover Seder with Beth Chai and River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation

April 19, 2025
5:00 - 7:30 p.m.


Rabbi Jodi Kornfeld, of a humanistic Jewish community in Illinois, will speak by zoom about a new forthcoming book titled Contemporary Humanistic Judaism: Beliefs, Values, Practices
March 30, 2025

Serving Brunch at Shepherd's Table with Beth Chai
The fourth Saturday of the Month

Welcome to Machar


Calendar 2024 -2025 Jewish Cultural School (JCS)

Adult Ed and Community Sunday Calendar


Click Here for Calendar