Adult Ed Online: The Environment, the Law, and Jewish Values
Adult Ed Online May 16, 2021 11:00 am - 12:30 pm David Baron – The Environment, the Law, and Jewish Values The earth and its people face profound environmental threats…
Shavuot Eve Study with the International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism
This evening marks the start of Shavuot, a Jewish holiday that is traditionally connected with study. The International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism, which trains rabbis, lay leaders, and teachers…
Begins at Sunset on the 16th and ends at nightfall on the 18th.
Special Event with Paul Golin of SHJ
*SPECIAL EVENT* THIS TUESDAY MAY 18, 2021 8:00 p.m. Online via registration In lieu of THINKING TUESDAYS this week, Rabbi Jeremy encourages you to register for this special event with…
Machar Board Meeting
All members are welcome to attend. If you are not a board member, please let President Larry Lawrence know you wish to attend so that we may contact you in…
Kabbalat Shabbat / Welcoming Shabbat
Each week can be a challenge and Shabbat gives us a built-in chance to think about how we might get some rest. Join Rabbi Jeremy for a musical start to…
WITs Online Meeting
Wimmin in Transition ~~~ Transitions Mark All Lives ~~~~~~~ In January of 2004 a small group of Machar women formed a women’s group within Machar. They called the group WITs…
Thinking Tuesdays
"AMA: Ask Me (Rabbi Jeremy) Anything" “How do you blow a shofar?” “What does Humanistic Judaism have to say about Israel?” “What do you think about the idea of a…
Havdalah / Ending Shabbat
Join Rabbi Jeremy as we end Shabbat and enter a new week.