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    Machar's Social Action Committee (SAC)
As a Machar member, you can put your values into action.
Please join us in the opportunities below.

The SAC Mission

Inspired by the spirit and Jewish tradition of “Tikkun Olam” (repair of the world), and through advocacy and community service, we support laws, policies, and activities to improve the world and strengthen the bonds within our community.

Commentary on the Mission

Social activism involves both advocacy and community service. Advocacy aims to improve laws, policies and practices affecting people’s lives. Community service directly supports those in need, one of the most important mitzvot (good deeds) we can perform. Both provide our members with opportunities to strengthen bonds of friendship within our Machar community.

We approach our activities through a secular humanistic lens that emphasizes independent and critical thinking, the power of human beings to effect change, respect for the dignity of all people and for the environment, our responsibilities to others, a strong sense of community, and deep satisfaction from helping others. Harnessing our own power to make a positive difference, our members volunteer their time and raise funds for worthy causes and organizations.

To maximize our effectiveness, we work primarily together with local social action groups in the Washington, D.C. metro area, Maryland, and Virginia. The Committee facilitates and encourages involvement of the whole Machar community, including children and youth, in our activities.



We think it best to focus our community efforts on a few prioritized issues that fit well with Machar’s values and policy statements. We are currently engaged in those below, but we’re open to considering others.

  • Anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Immigration and refugee concerns
  • Reproductive justice
  • Israel/Hamas war
  • Climate change
  • Gun violence prevention

Machar Position Statements

* Machar's procedures related to advocacy and community actions may be found here.

* Social Actions that may be controversial will be brought to the Board's attention before implementation.

* Anyone in Machar is welcome to reach out to others to encourage engagement on issues for which Machar does not have a  formal position by emailing the community listserv.


Partner Organizations

We partner with organizations whose mission fits well with ours and that have well-developed social action activities. Current partners are:


Current and Upcoming Community Actions


Shepherd's Table

The SAC in action! Machar and Beth Chai members at Shepherd's Table in February 2022.

We have reserved the 4th Saturday of every month for Machar, Kehila Chadasha and Beth Chai congregations to serve brunch at Shepherd's Table. This involves setting up, serving a meal, and cleaning up (no cooking). Students can get SSL hours - if they bring their form. Please read the info below from Shepherd’s Table.

To register:

o    Location: Progress Place, 8106 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring MD 20910 (behind the fire station)

o    Time: Brunch is 9:00 am - noon. Please allow time to park and check in so that you’ll be ready to work at 9.

o    Dress Code: Closed toed shoes, no sleeveless shirts, and bottoms to the knees or longer.

o    Questions: Please contact Roberto Levy at


Jews United For Justice

Please visit their website for upcoming actions and events –


Recent SAC Activities

The Machar Social Action Committee engaged in the following actions and activities during the past year:

  • Volunteer monthly to serve brunch at Shepherd’s Table.
  • Raised more than $2,000 for Yachad to do health and safety related renovations of a Southeast D.C. home where the children suffer from severe asthma.
  • Raised $579 to support migrants bussed to DC from Texas and Arizona
  • Held a litter clean-up at Rock Creek Park
  • Drafted a position statement on Anti-racism, Diversity, Inclusion and Equity; Machar’s Board approved these.
  • Helped Jews United for Justice with MD and DC legislative campaigns on immigrant justice, paid family and medical leave, racial equity and policing, and renters’ rights/eviction protection.
  • Participated in online letter-writing to policy makers on climate change issues through Jewish Earth Alliance, Maryland LCV (League of Conservation Voters), and Eko.
  • Continued to support a refugee family from Afghanistan to help them adjust to life here.
  • Participated in immigrant and refugee related-activities led by the Congregation Action Network (CAN) and HIAS.


SAC Members 

Mimi Brody (co-chair), Susan Kahn (co-chair), Howard Dubowitz , Marlene Cohen, Catherine Bergmann, Miriam Markowitz, and Tanya Parker.

Please contact anyone on the Committee if you’re interested in joining us or in discussing ideas for social action.


Welcome to Machar

Kabbalat Shabbat
March 28, 2025

Join Passover Seder with Beth Chai and River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation

April 19, 2025
5:00 - 7:30 p.m.


Rabbi Jodi Kornfeld, of a humanistic Jewish community in Illinois, will speak by zoom about a new forthcoming book titled Contemporary Humanistic Judaism: Beliefs, Values, Practices
March 30, 2025

Serving Brunch at Shepherd's Table with Beth Chai
The fourth Saturday of the Month

Welcome to Machar


Calendar 2024 -2025 Jewish Cultural School (JCS)

Adult Ed and Community Sunday Calendar


Click Here for Calendar