Machar Board Meeting
Cedar Lane UU Church 9601 Cedar Lane, Bethesda, MDAll members are welcome to attend. If you are not a board member, please let President Larry Lawrence know you wish to attend so that we may contact you in case of a sudden cancellation.
JCS & Adult Ed
Milton Gottesman Jewish Day School 6045 16th St NW, Washington, DCCOFFEE, JUICE, BAGELS AND SONG SOCIAL TIME 9:30 am JCS Session 10:00 – 11:30 am Tots - B Mitzvah classes Adult Ed 10:00 – 11:30 am
Machar All Community Purim Party
Schweinhaut Senior Center 1000 Forest Glen Road, Silver Spring, MDMachar’s all community Purim Party will be held at Margaret Schweinhaut Senior Center in Silver Spring from 10:30 am – 12:30 pm. Visitors and guest are welcome to attend. Please Sign up and RSVP HERE. We hope to see you there!
Machar Board Meeting
Cedar Lane UU Church 9601 Cedar Lane, Bethesda, MDAll members are welcome to attend. If you are not a board member, please let President Larry Lawrence know you wish to attend so that we may contact you in case of a sudden cancellation.
Havdalah at Cedar Lane UU Church
Cedar Lane UU Church 9601 Cedar Lane, Bethesda, MDAs part of HIAS’s National Refugee Shabbat, Machar’s Tikkun Olam Committee is sponsoring a Havdalah to mark the end of Shabbat at 6:00 pm on March 21, in the chapel at Cedar Lane UU Church (MAP). All Macharniks are invited to celebrate the roles of immigrants and refugees in our country and in Jewish history.…
JCS & Adult Ed
Milton Gottesman Jewish Day School 6045 16th St NW, Washington, DCCOFFEE, JUICE, BAGELS AND SONG SOCIAL TIME 9:30 am JCS Session 10:00 – 11:30 am Tots - B Mitzvah classes Adult Ed 10:00 – 11:30 am
Texts on Tuesday
Log on with Rabbi Jeremy to learn a Jewish text relevant to the upcoming Passover holiday. This session will focus on selected parts of the traditional Passover Haggadah and explore whether/how they can be relevant to Secular Humanistic Jews today.
Setting up the Seder – Part I
Learn — or refresh your memory! — about setting up and leading a Passover Seder. This session will cover the physical setup: how the Seder plate is set up, what goes on the Seder plate and why, and what else might be on the table.
SHJ HuJews 2020 Cyber Conclave
Dear HuJews Conclave Participants, In the wake of the cancellation of the 2020 HuJews Conclave, the SHJ HuJews Youth Council is excited to announce HuJews 2020 Cyber Conclave. The conclave will take place the same weekend that the in-person conclave was scheduled, with sessions on Friday March 27 and Saturday March 28, 2020. …