Kabbalat Shabbat / Welcoming Shabbat
Each week is a challenge, and seven days of social distancing can make it hard to know what day it is! Shabbat gives us a built-in chance to think about how we might get some rest. Join Rabbi Jeremy a musical start to Shabbat, check in with the Machar community, and mark the start of…
Havdalah / Ending Shabbat
Join Rabbi Jeremy as we end Shabbat and enter a new week. Please contact Rabbi Jeremy at Macharjeremy@gmail.com or rabbi@machar.org for meeting link and access information.
JCS online & Adult Ed online
Zoom links will be posted soon. *Tots/PreK/K 1st and 2nd Grade* We will be sending home lessons and activities for you to do with your kids. We will use a Google drive set up under MacharWashingtonDC to share photos of projects and other fun things you'd like to share with your Machar class. Each class…
Music and More with Rabbi Jeremy
Join Rabbi Jeremy for songs and stories with a Secular Humanistic Jewish twist, intended for families with children 10 years and younger — whether or not they’re Machar members! Please contact Rabbi Jeremy at Macharjeremy@gmail.com or rabbi@machar.org for meeting link and access information.
Texts on Tuesday
Within Jewish tradition, there are moments when a more secularly-minded, skeptical perspective makes itself known. Join Rabbi Jeremy to investigate the skeptical side of things in the books of Ecclesiastes (Kohelet) and Job. These books take seriously difficulty and suffering in life, and their discussions of the hard parts of life share much with our…
Timely Topics – Links to “Setting Up the Seder – Parts I & II”
Given that many will be busy with personal Passover observations (or preparing for Friday's online Seder), Rabbi Jeremy will not host a live discussion tonight. However, the Timely Topics from the previous two weeks are available on YouTube and may come in handy for your Seder preparations: Setting Up the Seder - Parts I & II During Part I,…
Machar’s Community Seder Event
MACHAR’S ONLINE SEDER 2020 Because of the COVID-19 emergency, Machar has canceled the Seder planned with the Washington Ethical Society for Saturday, April 11. Instead, we will conduct a virtual Seder using Zoom on Friday, April 10 from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Rabbi Jeremy will lead the ceremony on Zoom – lighting candles, explaining the ritual…
Havdalah / Ending Shabbat
Join Rabbi Jeremy as we end Shabbat and enter a new week. Please contact Rabbi Jeremy at Macharjeremy@gmail.com or rabbi@machar.org for meeting link and access information.
JCS online: Tots, Pre-K/K and Grades 1 & 2
Access links and more information will be available soon. *Tots/PreK/K 1st and 2nd Grade* We will be sending home lessons and activities for you to do with your kids. We will use a Google drive set up under MacharWashingtonDC to share photos of projects and other fun things you'd like to share with your Machar…