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K and 1st class Sept. 2012

Machar offers its in-class educational programs for children in collaboration with two partner communities. Grades K through 5 use the ShalomLearning curriculum as the basis for the topics and materials taught in each classroom. Grade 6 uses a curriculum developed collaboratively by Machar and its school partners. Below are brief descriptions of each class level’s learning goals.


Kindergarten/First Grade

In this grade, students explore Jewish values and holidays through the senses. By utilizing a myriad of teaching methods such as stories, singing, dancing, arts, play and movement, young children experience the sights, sounds, tastes and feels that connect us to Jewish tradition and learning.

During the course of the year, the children will explore the following values and holidays:  

Values: Hakarat Hatov (recognizing the good), Hachnasat Orchim (welcoming guests), Todah (thanks), Tzedakah (giving to help others), Ba’al tashchit (do not be wasteful or destroy), Ometz Lev (courage of the heart) and Shalom Bayit (peace in the home).

Holidays: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Simchat Torah, Sukkot, Shabbat, Chanukah, Pesach, Purim, Tu B’Shvat, Yom Ha’atzmaut and Shavuot

Second/Third Grade

We are using the lens of family to frame this grade’s values. We focus on how children define themselves in their families by using speech to listen and to help. The attitude of gratitude grounds them in the support of family and their words and actions help to make a peaceful home. Understanding inner strength and standing up for others and themselves addresses their growing sense of justice and fairness. Their perception of cause and effect helps them recognize that making a mistake is natural and that Judaism provides tools for responding to those mistakes. How these children show their newly attained self-awareness ultimately affects themselves, their families, peers, and communities.

In addition to deepening their understanding of Jewish holidays, the students will explore the values of Teshuvah (correcting our mistakes), Gevurah (strength), Achrayut (roles and responsibilities we have in our lives), Hakarat Hatov (showing gratitude) , Koach Hadibbur (the power of speech) and Shalom (peace),  

Fourth/Fifth Grades

We are using the peer lens to frame this grade’s values, and we are focusing on the strength of character required to be forgiving and to ask forgiveness of their peers. How these fifth graders learn to relate to each other now can have far-reaching effects on their future group behavior—in class, on teams, and in work groups.  

Sixth Grade

Our sixth grade students will focus on two topics:

  1. Immigration and how Jewish wanderings have led to our diverse Jewish community.  Students will learn about Jewish communities large and small around the world and how history led to the creation of these communities. 
  2. Contemporary Jewish Heroes - the students will study contemporary Jews from diverse fields who have made a difference in our world. Through this study, the students will gain knowledge of and may draw inspiration from contemporary Jewish role models. 

Sixth Grade Electives

Sixth and Seventh Graders will choose from a variety of electives, including music, art, writing, drama and more for the last part of the school day.  There will be several “mini-mesters” during the school year, allowing students to try new experiences.

Welcome to Machar

Kabbalat Shabbat
March 28, 2025

Join Passover Seder with Beth Chai and River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation

April 19, 2025
5:00 - 7:30 p.m.


Rabbi Jodi Kornfeld, of a humanistic Jewish community in Illinois, will speak by zoom about a new forthcoming book titled Contemporary Humanistic Judaism: Beliefs, Values, Practices
March 30, 2025

Serving Brunch at Shepherd's Table with Beth Chai
The fourth Saturday of the Month

Welcome to Machar


Calendar 2024 -2025 Jewish Cultural School (JCS)

Adult Ed and Community Sunday Calendar


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