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Community Sunday

Community Sundays

In-person gathering have been suspended due to COVID-19, but we are planning a return to in-person gathering in September. Our Adult Ed Summer Sessions are still online and you are welcome to register from anywhere!

The Machar community thrives upon its diversity. We have members of all ages with different cultural and religious backgrounds, lifestyles, and beliefs, and we welcome the opportunity to come together based on a shared interest in Jewish heritage. After a quick break for bagels and coffee following our Jewish Cultural School and Adult Education program (10 to 11:45 a.m.), join us for our Community Sunday activities from 11:50 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. We do something different each Sunday, and we are always open to new ideas.
Book Club

Currently not active, but could easily become so if anyone is interested in volunteering to organize.

Machar’s Book Club meets to discuss books that relate to Judaism, humanism, and/or social or humanitarian concerns in the same vein as our Adult Ed topics.  The Book Club is open to all members of Machar, and guests are welcome, too.

Community Service
Community Service
At Machar, we believe that helping others less fortunate than ourselves is one of the most important mitzvot (good deeds) we can perform. As a Machar member, you will have many opportunities to participate as a Jew and a humanist in community service. Demonstrating the Congregation’s commitment to being “good without God,” our members volunteer their time and raise funds for organizations that meet the needs of our local, national, and international communities. 
Mispachah Committee
Mispachah Committee
Mishpachah, headed by Renée Weitzner, is Machar’s special committee to care for members of our community. Mishpachah is a Hebrew word for family, although it also refers to friends. Our purpose is to help our members in good times and bad by providing support, be it with a card to encourage recovery or in some other way. If you know of someone who needs a helping hand or has an important life event to celebrate, please contact Renée at rwcats [at] or by phone (see membership directory).
Neighborhood Havurot
Neighborhood Havurot
Neighborhood Havurot provide opportunities for Machar members to gather and socialize on an informal basis.  The Hebrew word “havurah” (plural “havurot”) translates roughly as “fellowship” and can include a variety of activities.  This past year saw members enjoying Shabbat and Havdala potluck dinners, games nights, Sunday brunches, and an afternoon BBQ.  
Social Action Committee
Social Action Committee
As a Machar member, you will be able to put your Jewish and humanistic values into action. Machar is the most socially active congregation of the Secular Humanistic Judaism movement. We are at the vanguard of many social justice campaigns fought by the Jewish, humanistic, and social justice communities in the Washington, DC area. 
Wimmin in Transition (WITs)
Wimmin in Transtion (WITs)
WiTs is open to all women members of Machar. Our monthly meetings take place in each other’s homes or in area restaurants. These gatherings provide a warm and friendly environment for us to derive support from each other, giving us the power to face life’s joys and challenges. For more information, contact Renée Weitzner at rwcats [at] or by phone (see membership directory). We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting!
Young Adult Havurah (YAH)
Young Adult Havurah (YAH)
Machar’s Young Adult Havurah is for young adults and the young at heart. Join our listserve at or join our group on Facebook at to get the details. YAH events are open to all regardless of membership status in Machar, and participants are encouraged to bring friends who may be curious about our movement.

Welcome to Machar

Kabbalat Shabbat
March 28, 2025

Join Passover Seder with Beth Chai and River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation

April 19, 2025
5:00 - 7:30 p.m.


Rabbi Jodi Kornfeld, of a humanistic Jewish community in Illinois, will speak by zoom about a new forthcoming book titled Contemporary Humanistic Judaism: Beliefs, Values, Practices
March 30, 2025

Serving Brunch at Shepherd's Table with Beth Chai
The fourth Saturday of the Month

Welcome to Machar


Calendar 2024 -2025 Jewish Cultural School (JCS)

Adult Ed and Community Sunday Calendar


Click Here for Calendar